Body & Massage

Customize your massage experience to address your specific needs and goals
60 min - $100
90 min - $145
120 - $190
Deep Tissue - $15​
CBD Enhancement - $20
Receive a customized body wrap infused with natural ingredients to meet your body’s needs
75 min - $125

Self-heating sea mud is used to relieve tight muscles, exfoliate, provide lymph drainage, and relax your body
60 min - $125
90 min - $170

This treatment provides resurfacing of the skin to help visibly diminish signs of skin aging and improve skin's quality
60 min - $130

Tailored for expecting mothers to meet their needs and goals; a doctor's note is required in the first trimester.
60 min - $100
90 min - $145

The exceptional regenerating power of 24K gold is combined with anti-aging flowers to enhance the body
75 min - $130

A creamy no rinse scrub is absorbed into the skin, combined with 65 different massage techniques
75 min - $145

Relax with apricot exfoliation, then rejuvenate with floral and Ayurvedic oils for balanced energy and refreshment.
75 min - $145

Experience smooth and silky skin with this exfoliating and moisturizing treatment
30 min - $55

Steamed and fragrant linen bundles, filled with salt crystals and lavender buds, deliver warmth in the massage
60 min - $125

Use Thermal Sea Mud to relax and sooth tight muscle groups prior to your massage
$30 per area

Spa Membership
Imagine the health benefits and the feeling of relaxation a monthly facial or massage would bring
$90 per month for 6 or 12 months